Friday, June 11, 2010

EDITORS NOTE: What do I know about TV?

Let me start a ways after the beginning. Treme is fantastic televsion. Music, cops, lawyers, restaurants. Best of all TV worlds. Smart, sharp writing. Makes you realize why you loved TV in the first place. Reminds me, at least, why I picked up a pen in the first place (more on that coming soon). The love for New Orleans oozes out of the pores of this show.

I have to say, I've never been more wrong. That hockey game I wrote about last night was out of this world, and rated as highly as any in 36 years. Deservedly so!

In the middle of an episode of Treme when our intrepid hero, a Chef who has been dealing with city gas giving out on her on a regular basis in a high pressure situation comes through.

Not unlike the refs, the league, the players and the fans in that high class affair in South Philly. Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals. I acknowledge its majesty, and thank all for wonderful fun. As my little bro would say, Hawks, City of Chicago -- Mazel, Mazel.

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