Sunday, July 12, 2009

First post from my iPhone

I could really get usd to this. Chilling on my deck, glass of chilled Pinot Grigio at. The ready.

It's my first iPod, really. So I spent the last two weeks jut filling it up with slngs.

It's amazing, really. I thought I could make do with a 16 Gig version, bit I was quickly shown the errror of my ways. I was scrambling. Grabbing page after page of my CD books. Looseleaf pages that hold eight discs each. Four in front four on back. I have five large books mostly filled A through Z I then have a small book (each page holds four discs front and back, filled with movie soundtracks and other compilations. The Q through Z book, as one might imagine, has some space at the end where some other mixes and compilations are held.

So I am literally like a meth head rushing from room to room adding discs to my iTunes.

Remember, I never even had an iPod, so this is all brand new to me.

It's so worth it though. The look and feel of the device is amazing! Love everything about it, and now I have a healthy portion of my music with me. Nowhere near all, mind you. Just a big ass chunk.

More to go, but to be able to buy Bruno tickets and listen to Rodrigo y Gabriela all while I work on the blog makes me glad to be alive!

And I can read it from here, which means so can you, dear reader. Now go out and get one so you can view more ads!

I think it should be easy to post pictures as well, right? Oh well, mayber not yet, but I'll figure it put. For now I'll just listen to Wilco, Box Full of Letters , great band, great iPhone app, excited for the concert tomorrow night! Didi bailed (she's three, and a lady, so this is her right) but I digress.


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